|  Litchfield September 6th 1815
In humble reliance on the assistance of the Divine Spirit
I make the following resolutions.
I will begin every day with prayer to God imploring through
Christ to be kept back from temptation, To be enabled to fulfill
every duty with fidelity, to bear the little evils of life patiently, to
be submissive to the dispensations of Providence however afflictive. To be
thankful for every blessing And to be in a state of preparation for death,
judgment, and eternity. 2d
I will watch every hour as it passes by, and ask what report it has
borne to heaven whether it has been spent in idleness, trifling occu-
pations, or sinful pleasures. Or whether it has been spent in proper
study, work, or exercise, or in doing good to my own soul, or the
souls of my fellow mortals. 3d
I will watch against a fretful and discontented temper If impa-
tient thoughts arise in my heart, I will not utter them with my
lips, but remember the meekness of my Saviour, and check as soon
as possible every angry sensation.
I will not tempt others to sin by provoking their anger if they are
inclined to that sin. Neither will I tempt any one to idleness by conversing
with them when they should be employed, neither will I tempt them
to be vain by flattering them myself or telling them the flattering
speeches of others. 5th
I will endeavour [sic] to guard my tongue from uttering any un-
necessary or sinful word. 6th
I will preserve truth in the smallest as well as in the most im-
portant matters. 7th
I will never speak of any one to their disadvantage, unless to guard
others from the contagion of bad example.
I will watch against all covetous desire, against all improper expence, [sic]
all careless profusion of the gifts of God. & of which he will one day
require an account. 9th
I will seek out proper objects with whom to share the good things
of which God has made me the steward. Not expending them to
adorn my frail body in gaudy apparel or in pampering my
fleshly appetite.
 I will not put off till tomorrow what should be done today but will
deny myself a slothful indulgence, a love of ease, and constantly
exercise a self denying attention to my proper employments whether
study or work. 11th
I will read no book but with attention, I will read none which
tend to inflame the mind, or to excite improper sentiments.
I will be ready to communicate as well as to recieve [sic] knowledge,
And I will be open to conviction even recieving [sic] reproof meekly and
thankfully. 13th
I will watch against a selfish and exclusive attachment to my
own comforts, and study to be equally solicitous for the comforts of
others, and to repress every rising of impatience at the trouble this
may occasion me. 14th
I will endeavour [sic] in my conduct towards nominal christians
to behave in such a manner as to gain their goodwill. But I
will form no intimate friendship with those whose lives show
them to be destitute of holiness.
I 15th
I will avoid all amusements w^hich tend to corrupt the mind
or draw my affections to earthly objects.
I will every day read a portion of scripture with meditation
and prayer... 17th
I will make the study of my heart the business of my life
endeavouring [sic] to be fully acquainted with my besetting sin and
guarding against those temptation w^hich will bring them into exercise.
I will vest none of my hopes of heaven in any good works
of my own but wholly on the merits of Christ.
I will not rest content with the tokens I have received of the
grace of God but endeavour[sic] to acquire daily fresh instances of [renew-]
ing [love] 20th
I will not forget to return thanks for answer to prayer but
recollect before God daily every instance of his goodness to me & others
I will every day endeavor to do some good to the souls of my
fellow sinners and whenever I can with propriety warn sinners
of their danger 22d
I will restrain all wanderings of mind in the public and
private exercise of God's worship and spend every sabbath a
free from earthly employments and thoughts as possible
I will at least once every week read over these my engagements
and when I find business a love of pleasure or the desire of ad-
miration from my fellow creatures occupy the largest portion
of my time and thoughts, will remember I have no reason to
believe that I am a child of God
I will also call to mind every day my lamentable failures
many actions wherby [sic] God has been dishonoured [sic] or my soul
injured and will endeavour [sic] to improve the remembrance of
and incitement to greater watchfulness circumspection and self
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Object ID:
Jane Hasbrouck Letter
Ink on paper
Jane Hasbrouck
September 6, 1815
Jane Hasbrouck Paper (1815-1854)
Held at:
Historic Huguenot Street, New Paltz, New York
1 item
This letter was written by Jane while a student at the Litchfield Female Academy. She outlines a set of 24 spiritual and personal resolutions which she will endeavor to follow.
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