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John Philpot Curran Sampson
February 18, 1794
November 3, 1820
Home Town:
Belfast, Ireland
Later Residences:
New York, NY
New Orleans, LA
New Orleans, LA
Biographical Notes:
John Philpot Curran Sampson was the son of William and Grace (Clarke) Sampson. His father was an Irish Protestant political reformer who was forced to flee with his family from Ireland in 1778. His family spent several years in Portugal, Germany and France before his father came to New York City, in 1806, where his father was admitted to the bar. (William Sampson consistently defended Irish rights within the United States including Catholics attacked by Orangemen in New York City, NY. In 1824, he also appeared in several cases before the Supreme Court.)
John Sampson was named after John Philpot Curran, who was his godfather and an Irish patriot who had lived with his family while he was a boy. John and the rest of his family came to the United States in 1810 to join their father. ...
John Sampson was named after John Philpot Curran, who was his godfather and an Irish patriot who had lived with his family while he was a boy. John and the rest of his family came to the United States in 1810 to join their father. ...
Years at LLS:
Other Education:
As a child he attended the Belfast (Ireland) Seminary of Rev. Dr. Bruce in 1812, and later attended Wadhams College in Oxford, England to study the law.
Profession / Service
Lawyer; Political Office; Editor
Admitted To Bar:
New York, NY in 1815 and New Orleans, LA in 1819
State Posts:
Deputy Attorney General (LA) 1820
Immediate Family (Why only immediate family?)
- William Sampson
Father - Grace Clarke Sampson

Records for the schools were sporadic, especially in the formative years of both institutions. If instructors kept comprehensive records for the Litchfield Female Academy or the Litchfield Law School, they do not survive. Researchers and staff have identified students through letters, diaries, family histories and genealogies, and town histories as well as catalogues of students printed in various years. Art and needlework have provided further identification of Female Academy Students, and Litchfield County Bar records document a number of Law School students. The history of both schools and the identification of the students who attended them owe credit to the early 20th century research and documentation efforts of Emily Noyes Vanderpoel and Samuel Fisher, and the late 20th century research and documentation efforts of Lynne Templeton Brickley and the Litchfield Historical Society staff.
Houghton, Josiah. "LLS Law Notebook 1817-1818." Litchfield Law School Collection, Series 1, Subseries 1, Litchfield Historical Society. Available online at https://archive.org/stream/35102011793091#page/n11/mode/2up.
Catalogue of the Litchfield Law School (Hartford, CT: Press of Case, Tiffany and Company, 1849), 15.
Catalogue of the Litchfield Law School (Hartford, CT: Press of Case, Tiffany and Company, 1849), 15.
Secondary Sources:
Sampson, John Philpot Curran, An Oration Delivered Before the Members of the Law Institution at Litchfield, Litchfield, CT: Litchfield Law School, 1818.
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If you have family papers, objects, or any other details you would like to share, or if you would like to obtain a copy of an image for publication, please contact us at curator@litchfieldhistoricalsociety.org.