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Edmund Wilkins
October 2, 1796
January 28, 1867
Home Town:
Emporia, VA
Later Residences:
Scotland Neck, NC
Thelma, NC
Thelma, NC
Biographical Notes:
Edmund Wilkins was the son of William Wyche and Elizabeth Judkins (Rains) Wilkins. After attending the Law School, he returned to North Carolina to practice law. His family owned extensive tracks of land in Virginia and North Carolina and were large slave holders. Wilkins managed the family's plantation in North Carolina. He never married and died in Thelma, NC.
"Edm.d Wilkins & myself are the only two Virginians in the office at present_ the character of our state has not stood very high here until very recently _ Those gentlemen who have hitherto attended the lectures have been so remarkable for their dissipation and irreligion_ that in this land of steady habits, they identify with a Virginian, the idea of a contempt of every thing holy & sacred, and habits of the most abandoned profligacy But our landlady tells us that those opinions are undergoing a serious revolution, & condescendingly informs us that Va has not been so well represented for many years as it is at present_ We believe her of course_"
Mason, John Young to Mason, Edmunds
Virginia Historical Society Mss2 M3812 a3
Mason, John Young to Mason, Edmunds
Virginia Historical Society Mss2 M3812 a3
Additional Notes:
Listed as "Wilkin" from "N. Carolina" on William Samuel Johnson's handwritten list at the Connecticut Historical Society.
Years at LLS:
Other Education:
Attended the University of North Carolina from 1814 - 1815, and graduated from Yale College in 1817.
Profession / Service
Immediate Family (Why only immediate family?)
- John Limbrey Wilkins
LLS (1821-1822) - Elizabeth Rains Wilkins
Mother - William Wyche Wilkins
LLS (1793)
Related Objects and Documents

Records for the schools were sporadic, especially in the formative years of both institutions. If instructors kept comprehensive records for the Litchfield Female Academy or the Litchfield Law School, they do not survive. Researchers and staff have identified students through letters, diaries, family histories and genealogies, and town histories as well as catalogues of students printed in various years. Art and needlework have provided further identification of Female Academy Students, and Litchfield County Bar records document a number of Law School students. The history of both schools and the identification of the students who attended them owe credit to the early 20th century research and documentation efforts of Emily Noyes Vanderpoel and Samuel Fisher, and the late 20th century research and documentation efforts of Lynne Templeton Brickley and the Litchfield Historical Society staff.
Houghton, Josiah. "LLS Law Notebook 1817-1818." Litchfield Law School Collection, Series 1, Subseries 1, Litchfield Historical Society. Available online at https://archive.org/stream/35102011793091#page/n11/mode/2up.
Handwritten list by William Samuel Johnson, Catalogue of the Students at Law in the school at Litchfield Conn. at & after Aug. 15th 1817, Connecticut Historical Society, Johnson Family Papers, 1722-1863, Box - Johnson Papers.
Handwritten list by William Samuel Johnson, Catalogue of the Students at Law in the school at Litchfield Conn. at & after Aug. 15th 1817, Connecticut Historical Society, Johnson Family Papers, 1722-1863, Box - Johnson Papers.
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