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Eunice Porter Bird
Other Name:
Eunice Stanton; Eunice Pawling
September 10, 1766
March 15, 1848
Home Town:
Salisbury, CT
Later Residences:
Litchfield, CT
Black Rock, NY
Black Rock, NY
John Bird (October 4, 1789)
Biographical Notes:
Eunice Porter was the daughter of Joshua Porter and Abigail Buell Porter of Salisbury, CT. She married John Bird in 1789. The couple had four children prior to 1797 when the Connecticut General Assembly granted Eunice a divorce on the grounds of ill treatment by her husband. She married second Joshua Stanton of Burlington, VT and third Col. Albert Pawling. Following the death of her second husband, she made her home with her son William Augustus Bird near Buffalo, NY. She remained there until her death in 1848.
Immediate Family (Why only immediate family?)
- John Bird
LLS (1787) - Peter Buel Porter
LLS (1791) - Sarah Porter Holley
Sister - Abigail Buell Porter
Mother - Joshua Porter
Secondary Sources:
Wells, Albert, "History of the Buell Family in England: From the Remotest Times Ascertainable from Our Ancient Histories, and in America, from Town, Parish, Church and Family Records. Illustrated with Portraits and Coat Armorial" Society Library, 1881 Accessed at https://books.google.com/books?id=ma4aAAAAYAAJ&q=Joshua+Porter+and+Abigail+Buell April 15, 2024
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