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William Warner Bostwick
Other Name:
William W. Bostwick
February 19, 1797
October 6, 1845
Home Town:
Whitestown, NY
Later Residences:
Joliet, IL
Mary Lewis Bostwick (April 10, 1828)
Biographical Notes:
William W. Bostwick was born in Whitestown, NY where his father had moved from New Milford, Connecticut. He studied theology and took charge of an academy at Geneva, NY. He married Mary Lewis Bostwick of Litchfield in 1828. He became a missionary, preaching in Bath and Hammondsport, NY. The family removed to Joliet, IL in 1842. His wife died in September of 1845, and he died October 6th of that same year. Three children survived them.
Profession / Service
Religious Calling
Immediate Family (Why only immediate family?)
- Mary Lewis Bostwick
LFA (1824-1826)
Secondary Sources:
The American Quarterly Church Review 1859-10: Vol 12 Iss 3 accessed online at https://archive.org/details/sim_church-review_1859-10_12_3/page/530/mode/2up?q=bostwick February 1, 2023
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