Clarissa Seymour Marsh Photograph
Clarissa Seymour Marsh
August 3, 1772
September 2, 1865
Home Town:
Litchfield, CT
Truman Marsh (October 22, 1799)
Mrs. Clarissa Marsh who was buried yesterday was born in this town on the 3d August 1772, consequently was in the 94th year of her age. With the exception of ten years in which she lived in New Milford, during the period of Mr. Marsh’s Rectorship of the Episcopal Church in that place, she has resided in this village and was the oldest inhabitant and member of the Church in th society which her husband had long been the head and pioneer, and to whose influence it is much indebted for its present commanding position in the diocese.
If he was its pastor, she was a noble mother to whose maternal counsels and nursing care it was much indebted for its beauty and development. She possessed good common sense united with sound discretion, mildness united with firmness, liberality without extravagance, ...
If he was its pastor, she was a noble mother to whose maternal counsels and nursing care it was much indebted for its beauty and development. She possessed good common sense united with sound discretion, mildness united with firmness, liberality without extravagance, ...
Additional Notes:
Clarissa and her husband had seven children.
Immediate Family (Why only immediate family?)
- Truman Marsh
Husband - Molly Marsh Seymour
Mother - Moses Seymour
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