Photograph of William Tracy Gould
William Tracy Gould
October 25, 1799
July 18, 1882
Home Town:
Litchfield, CT
Later Residences:
Augusta, GA
Clinton, GA
Clinton, GA
Virginia Hunter Gould (September 20, 1864)
Anna McKinne Gould (October 7, 1824)
Anna McKinne Gould (October 7, 1824)
Biographical Notes:
William Tracy Gould was the son of Judge James Gould and Sally Tracy. He graduated from Yale in 1816 and then studied at the Litchfield Law School in 1818, as did two of his brothers - George Gould and James Reeve Gould. Gould was admitted to the bar in Litchfield, Connecticut in September 1820 and moved to Clinton, Georgia in 1821.
At this time, Georgia offered many opportunities for a young and enterprising lawyer. In 1823, he moved from Clinton to Augusta, Georgia, where he lived and practiced law for the rest of his life. In February 1851, he was elected as a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, later known as the City Court of Augusta. Inspired by his experience in Litchfield, Gould established a law school in Augusta, Georgia in 1833 which was modeled after Tapping Reeve and ...
At this time, Georgia offered many opportunities for a young and enterprising lawyer. In 1823, he moved from Clinton to Augusta, Georgia, where he lived and practiced law for the rest of his life. In February 1851, he was elected as a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, later known as the City Court of Augusta. Inspired by his experience in Litchfield, Gould established a law school in Augusta, Georgia in 1833 which was modeled after Tapping Reeve and ...
Additional Notes:
While attending Litchfield Law School in 1819, Gould became romantically involved with Litchfield Female Academy student Louisa Wait, who was several years his senior.
Louisa's classmate Fanny Lyman wrote to William Greene in June of 1820, "William Gould is supposed to be engaged to Louisa Wait . . . he has treated her with marked attention for a year past and has been told of the disadvantage resulting from such attention but he still persists in his visits to and it is now believed by everyone to be a match."
When William left Litchfield in 1821 to establish a legal practice in Clinton, GA the couple continued dating and the engagement continued until 1824 when Louisa was living in Philadelphia and William in Augusta, GA. However, by October of that year, William was ...
Louisa's classmate Fanny Lyman wrote to William Greene in June of 1820, "William Gould is supposed to be engaged to Louisa Wait . . . he has treated her with marked attention for a year past and has been told of the disadvantage resulting from such attention but he still persists in his visits to and it is now believed by everyone to be a match."
When William left Litchfield in 1821 to establish a legal practice in Clinton, GA the couple continued dating and the engagement continued until 1824 when Louisa was living in Philadelphia and William in Augusta, GA. However, by October of that year, William was ...
Years at LLS:
Other Education:
Graduated from Yale College in 1816.
Profession / Service
Lawyer; Educator
Admitted To Bar:
Litchfield, CT in September 1820
Local Posts:
Judge of the Court of Common Pleas (Augusta, GA) 1851-1877
Immediate Family (Why only immediate family?)
- Julia Gould Hunter
Daughter - Virginia Hunter Gould
Wife - Anna McKinne Gould
Wife - Edward Sherman Gould
LFA (1818-1819) - Robert Howe Gould
LFA (1830) - Sally Tracy Gould
LFA (1796) - James Gould
LLS (1795) - Julia Gould
LFA (1821-1823) - James Reeve Gould
LLS (1824) LFA (1818-1819) - Henry Guy Gould
LFA (1818) - Charles Gould
LFA (1823-1824) - John W. Gould
LFA (1829-1831) - George Gould
LLS (1827-1829) LFA (1819-1823)
Related Objects and Documents
In the Ledger:

Records for the schools were sporadic, especially in the formative years of both institutions. If instructors kept comprehensive records for the Litchfield Female Academy or the Litchfield Law School, they do not survive. Researchers and staff have identified students through letters, diaries, family histories and genealogies, and town histories as well as catalogues of students printed in various years. Art and needlework have provided further identification of Female Academy Students, and Litchfield County Bar records document a number of Law School students. The history of both schools and the identification of the students who attended them owe credit to the early 20th century research and documentation efforts of Emily Noyes Vanderpoel and Samuel Fisher, and the late 20th century research and documentation efforts of Lynne Templeton Brickley and the Litchfield Historical Society staff.
Houghton, Josiah. "LLS Law Notebook 1817-1818." Litchfield Law School Collection, Series 1, Subseries 1, Litchfield Historical Society. Available online at https://archive.org/stream/35102011793091#page/n11/mode/2up.
Catalogue of the Litchfield Law School, Hartford, CT: Press of Case, Tiffany and Company, 1849.
Catalogue of the Litchfield Law School, Hartford, CT: Press of Case, Tiffany and Company, 1849.
Secondary Sources:
Northen, William J., Ed. Men of Mark in Georgia, Vol. II. Atlanta: A.B. Caldwell, 1910.
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