Lyman Beecher Papers

Accession #:
Collections of Papers
Lyman Beecher
between 1816 and 1825
Small Acquisitions
Held at:
Helga J. Ingraham Memorial Library, Litchfield Historical Society
Associated Place:
Litchfield, Connecticut
2 folders
Subscriptions raised to relieve the debts of Reverend Lyman Beecher, minister of the first Ecclesiastical Society in Litchfield after the death of his wife, Roxana Foote. Includes a list of subscribers, Luke Lewis, Agent; Tapping Reeve & Benjamin Tallmadge, recorders; list of persons owed; instrument of conditions. Records of some of the marriages performed by Rev. Lyman Beecher between 1820 and 1823 including Litchfield Female Academy students who married Litchfield Law School Students Benjamin F. Langdon to Caroline Holmes Landon; Oliver Stoughton Wolcott to Jane Conard Wolcott; James Kane Livingston to Charlotte Landon Livingston; Richard Wayne Stites to Elizabeth Cooke Stites.
Associated People
- Richard Wayne Stites
- Luke Lewis
- Roxana Foote Beecher
- Daniel Sheldon
- Jane Conard Wolcott
- James Kane Livingston
- Charlotte Landon Livingston
- Oliver Stoughton Wolcott
- Oliver Wolcott (1726-1797)
- Moses Seymour
- Jabez Williams Huntington
- Silas E. Cheney
- Lyman Beecher
- Elizabeth Cooke Stites
- Benjamin Franklin Langdon
- Tapping Reeve
- Caroline Landon Langdon
- Uriel Holmes
- Frederick Wolcott
- John Russel Landon
- Benjamin Tallmadge
- Sally Burr Reeve
Associated Objects
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